It's weird to think about the fact that, when my father was my age, his life was completely different from mine. Like, entirely different in nearly every way. When my dad was 39, he had four kids, one of them under 5. He'd been married to my mom for more than 10 years. He had had a dozen jobs by this point, including a short-order cook and a shop steward for a long-haul trucking company repair depot. His jobs were transitory, though, because my dad had a career, and that career was union organization. Whatever job my dad had, he was always focused on improving things for the workers around him, via collective action and collective bargaining. I know it cost him at least one job. I know it also got him at least one job. I don't know if that constant fear of losing a job at the cost of his career was part of why he drank. From our (very sparse) conversations about it, my father drank because he was an alcoholic, just as his father was an alcoholic. By the ti...
An occasional thought about my life in IT and the world. Mostly the former, though.