I believe I got the quote from Cory Doctorow, and he credited a designer who's name I've never been able to find or credit, so feel to let me know if you know the source. EDIT: Cory was kind enough to let me know that this is from Dr. Don Norman , experiential designer and founder of the Nielsen Norman Group. But the quote as I remember it is this: "The default state of technology, any technology from stone axes to modern computers, the default state of technology is 'broken'." It's true, too; technology as a definition is something that is created and thus must be maintained . The axe is possibly the earliest and easiest example: axes that aren't sharp are spectacularly bad axes. For really, really long time we survived on technology and tools that were only moderately more complicated than our own fingers and teeth, and thus technology was relatively easy to maintain and manage, but still: a dull knife is a failure mode. A snapped bowstring...
An occasional thought about my life in IT and the world. Mostly the former, though.