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The saga of the 'stache

Every so often, I reconfigure my facial/head hair in some random process that sometimes makes me look good, but more often just makes me look goofy.

The most recent configuration was a reappearance of The Stache.

Now, The Stache, in my past history, was relatively infamous. I grew out the handlebars so long that it prompted a fellow netizen to comment that it was possible that it could post to the forum I frequented independently of me. This, of course, meant that I immediately had to create a sockpuppet account in the persona of my independently-intelligent mustache, which also turned out to be much, much crankier and antisocial than I was at the time.

Eventually, I ended up shaving off The Stache, and later stopped posting at the forum as either myself or The Stache, and life went on as normal.

Then, about 8 months ago I was inspired to re-grow my mustache in anticipation of, well, something. I don't remember what at this point; I'm sure at the time it was a good excuse. This latest incarnation of The Stache was actually larger, bushier, and longer than any previous version, and did in fact reach a length long enough to braid into two independent little braids on either side of my mouth. I thought it was pretty amusing (and also a pain in the ass to take care of).

And then someone mentioned that I looked kinda like "Pastor" Terry Jones, he of the "Let's burn a holy book to commemorate a tragedy" fame.

You know, it's funny: Kevin Smith pointed out in a podcast that there's something about burning books that just isn't cool -- you could have a pile of 'Mein Kampf' in your driveway, and someone would still say "hey, man, not cool". Terry Pratchett talked about that mystical significance of books (any book) in some of his Discworld novels, too. And I think it's true.

Anyway, the moment I had the chance, rather than being compared to "Pastor" Jones, I shaved off The Stache. Perhaps at some later date I'll return to the configuration, but for now it's out of rotation, and I think I'm going to try going clean-shaven for a while. This also led to the somewhat annoying discovery that I now weigh enough to have jowls. This bothers me. I should do something about it. We'll see.

I have a post about politics, taxation, and my life as a conservative liberal in me, but that's for another time, I think.

Love Life: moving on...
Currently Watching: Life after People, Season 1. Streaming Netflix for the win.
Current Music: Strangely, I've been listening to a TON of sixties folk and rock music. I think I'm trying to inspire myself for the next Story of N.
Current Book: Learning the Korn Shell by Bill Rosenblatt (O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.) Yeah, that's some great light reading on the bus...


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