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And people think this is fun?

Went to CrossFit for the first time tonight.

Good: the people were pretty awesome.
Bad: I was not ready for the workout.

Par exemplar: warmup was interesting with lots of squatting and stretching and balance-type work, and already had me jelly-limbed at the end, and then we did fundamentals learning, which was the overhead squat, which nearly killed me, and then the Renegade Row, which turned my arms to noodles. And then, after I was already tired and woogly and dying, we did the workout.

The workout was a 200 metre sprint, then 15 pushups, then a 200 metre sprint, then 10 renegade rows (on each side). And then do it all again. What I managed to do: 200M sprint #1, 15 pushups (at the knees), second 200M sprint (including a stop to puke in the bushes), and 5 renegade rows. And then my right calf cramped up so bad I couldn't straighten my foot, and one of the instructors spent the next 5 minutes massaging me out of my writhing in pain. I was trying not to cry in front of everyone, but it was both very painful and extremely humiliating. Now, everyone else was cool about it, but I felt completely wrecked. I suppose it's one way to DNF out of the workout, but it was pretty embarrassing. I made a comment that I need to go to the gym to go to this gym, and I'm not sure I'm far off.

I don't know. On the one hand, I actually did better than I thought I would, but wow did I fail spectacularly. I was DYING at the end, completely destroyed.


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