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Time Off

Tomorrow afternoon I start my vacation from work. We're heading to BlizzCon 2015 and then Disneyland, and I'm really looking forward to seeing in person a bunch of people I haven't seen in ages. And I'm very much looking forward to not thinking about work.

Work is one of those things that I have trouble putting away, because often the most difficult part of work for me is not the actual work, but the acknowledgement that others (usually my bosses) make decisions with given factors that result in outcomes that are not always my preferred outcome. It's Not My Raid has become a significant mantra; not because things are necessarily "wrong", but often because there are pressures or forces of which I am either not aware or feel should be prioritized differently. But I'm not the boss; I'm a team member, not a team lead. And that means that getting worked up about stuff is likely at best counterproductive and at worst is harming both my own reputation and the reputation of my team. So I'm trying to take my partner's advice and recognize when it's time to let go.

So starting on Wednesday evening I'm stepping entirely away from work, and I'm determined to just pretend it doesn't even exist while I'm off doing my fun stuff with friends in Southern California. I even built a little time into the schedule after we get home to be Not Working. Getting recharged and revitalized for the Holiday Season is going to be a Thing What Needs Doing, because while *AAS tools aren't often seasonal, you bet your bippy that many companies who use *AAS tools in fact are.

So here's hoping the world doesn't blow up tomorrow afternoon, because tomorrow evening I'm taking some Time Off.


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