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Impending Travel Warning

I don't know if you've noticed me mentioning it on Twitter, but I'm about to go on vacation.

(Yes, that was sarcasm.)

On Thursday afternoon, my partner and I are driving up to Seattle to catch a non-stop redeye flight from SeaTac to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We'll land Friday morning, stumble blearily into a taxi, ride to the hotel, and camp in the lobby until they let us check in. Then Saturday morning we'll get up, relax, and around noon we'll head over to the Port of Ft. Lauderdale (which is just fun to say) where we'll board the MS Oosterdam for a 7-day cruise through the Caribbean with 1,934 other nerds for JoCoCruise 2019.

My partner and I did this in 2017, and we had a goddamn blast, and this time there's at least two other couples going that we'll know well enough to hang out with, which means we won't spend all of our time holed up with each other. Which is fun, but sometimes it's better to hang out with other people? Anyway, we're in the throes of packing and getting ready, and it's rapidly becoming that moment when travel is really, really real and I get all high-strung about it. Which is hilarious, as my partner gets really wound up about it and then relaxes entirely on the day of travel, when I'm the most tightly wound I can possibly be.

Anyway, the thing is I'm having that moment of grump where I've prepped, but we're not leaving yet, so now I have to wait.

And I hate waiting.

I'm going back and forth on whether I should take my laptop, and I think I'm going to take it, but not pay for the internet package. So I'll be completely without contact with the outside world, which honestly sounds like a perfect time to get some more writing done on this piece that's been floating around in my head ever since I read a twitter thread that inspired me.

Honestly, there should be links in here to a bunch of different stuff, but really, if you want the lowdown, just check my twitter feed.

I may or may not post from the airport or the hotel, so if I don't: I hope you all have a lovely spring break. I certainly intend to.


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