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SEO baby!

The experience of having someone google me, and then googling myself, has amused me all out of proportion to the experience. For instance, my first google hit is my twitter feed, but my personal domain (where I assume someone might actually be reading this) doesn't appear in the first FIVE pages of searches. So anyone looking for information about me gets data that is either at least five years old, or my twitter feed (which isn't exactly an in-depth view of my life right now).

So what am I doing with my life right now?

1) Eating right and working out. A moderate change in my diet, coupled with a workout goal (a half-marathon at the end of June) has meant that I'm losing a moderate amount of weight and feeling better about my body. I'm not at my goal yet, but I'm moving in the right direction, and I feel good about working out instead of feeling it was a chore.

2) Working on my house. Yardwork right now, but I'm making a list of all of the improvements I want to make and prioritizing them. Not that anything *needs* to be done, but there's a lot of things I *want* to be done to make my house more into somewhere I'm ready to live for the next 29 years. I've owned this house for just short of a year now, and every week I find I'm more comfortable with that idea, and more ready to do something interesting to make it better.

3) Getting comfortable with my job. I've been in this new position since August, and it's pretty clear that I'm getting better at it every day. I'm also getting a lot of positive feedback both from my peers and my manager, as well as co-workers in other departments, that I am good at working with others, have an excellent grasp of the way things move and work, and have an acute vision that meshes well with the departmental goals. So I'm successful at my job, and everyone knows it. It's nice.

4) Getting out more. This is a relatively new one, but while I have an excellent circle of friends, they're a little... one-note. Gay Gaming Geeks make up 90% of my social interaction these days, and while that's fun and familiar, I need some diversity in my friendslist. So making time to meet and hang out with new people is a priority for me now. So far, so good.

5) Staying on budget. The plan right now is to be debt-free (excepting the mortgage) by the end of June. So far so good, but it's been tough. This is actually something I need to be better about. But here's hoping I can stay on track.

So that's my state-of-the-union.


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