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#RPGaDay 2017 -- Day 6

You've got a week of gaming, what do you do?

For ComeCon, I'd be really interested in doing stuff that I wouldn't do normally, and have people come and visit so they can be present and hang out and play as well. So that's my little fantasy in this, so bear with me.

Monday: My Love's a Blue, Blue Rose -- A short campaign where I can play with the new AGE mechanics in a familiar setting (which I love nearly-unreservedly). Rather than a standard swords and sworcery thing, I'd want something more palace-intrigue-y, with mourning coats and lace cuffs and rapier wits and duels at dawn.

Tuesday: Board Game Day -- The Horror! Betrayal at the House on the Hill, Arkham Horror, Elder Signs, Fearsome Floors -- a day to play those multi-person coop horror games that otherwise don't get pulled out of the library much.

Wednesday: Star Wars: The Edge of the Empire -- A chance to test out the new Fantasy Flight Games dice mechanic while playing a droid bounty hunter.

Thursday: Play Like A Pirate Day -- Plunder on the High Seas as we Savage Worlds or Seventh Sea our way from pole to pole.

Friday and Saturday: Intelligence Assets LARP -- dunno what system, but a two-day LARP where we all play Intelligence operatives trying to root out the mole (if there is a mole) and also avert the end of the world.

Sunday: Relaxation Day -- a quiet day of card games and drinks and snacks, to power down after the high-tension LARP.

So that's my seven-day mini-convention. What does yours look like?


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