The single most memorable NPC that springs to mind for me, which was NOT in a game that I ran but was rather in a game in which I was a PC, was the HordeMaster (emphasis on the 'd', so as not to cause any misunderstandings).
We were playing a low-powered Supers game in Champions (4th ed, BBB) where the plot was basically Legion of Superheroes with the serial numbers filed off. Having had nearly zero exposure to the LSH at that point, I was just having a good time with it. And one of our recurring villains was a expert hunter and tracker, who had travelled across the galaxy to find and train the most dangerous and diabolical creatures over which he exerted control, and used them for various nefarious purposes, including trying to beat our team in combat for various reasons, none of which are important.
What was important was that one of our players had built a character who was basically indestructible, but not much else. So frequently, this character would charge into battle, come to close quarters with whatever forces were opposing us, and then proceed to use various things lying around as improvised weapons. And, when we met the HordeMaster for the first time, this included our Brick picking up one of the creatures and using said creature to defeat all of the other creatures on the field, including the HordeMaster.
This, in fact, became a running gag. HM would show up with some far-out creatures, the Brick would grab whichever one appeared to be doing the most area-effect damage, and then would proceed to run the table. At one point there was talk of requiring our Brick to spend some XP on Improvised Weapons training. Watching our GM bring HM back around again, even having him team up with some of our other villains, was a ton of great memories.
We were playing a low-powered Supers game in Champions (4th ed, BBB) where the plot was basically Legion of Superheroes with the serial numbers filed off. Having had nearly zero exposure to the LSH at that point, I was just having a good time with it. And one of our recurring villains was a expert hunter and tracker, who had travelled across the galaxy to find and train the most dangerous and diabolical creatures over which he exerted control, and used them for various nefarious purposes, including trying to beat our team in combat for various reasons, none of which are important.
What was important was that one of our players had built a character who was basically indestructible, but not much else. So frequently, this character would charge into battle, come to close quarters with whatever forces were opposing us, and then proceed to use various things lying around as improvised weapons. And, when we met the HordeMaster for the first time, this included our Brick picking up one of the creatures and using said creature to defeat all of the other creatures on the field, including the HordeMaster.
This, in fact, became a running gag. HM would show up with some far-out creatures, the Brick would grab whichever one appeared to be doing the most area-effect damage, and then would proceed to run the table. At one point there was talk of requiring our Brick to spend some XP on Improvised Weapons training. Watching our GM bring HM back around again, even having him team up with some of our other villains, was a ton of great memories.
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